Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

What is it about resolutions...and more Sales?

Written by Jack Derby, Head Coach | Thu, Jan 02, 2014

I get that it’s the beginning of the year. 

I also get all too painfully that I should (take your pick)...

  • lose weight, 
  • be smarter, 
  • save more money, 
  • and be a better _____ (just fill in anything you want since apparently there’s already a long list available online according to my associates and family).  

But, just why do I need “to resolve”, and what does that mean anyhow?


"I resolve to be a better person." 

Forget about the fact that that particular resolution is going to be really, really difficult for me to achieve given all the room there is to improve, but the question of the statement is that “better” is measured against what…and by whom?  Leave it up to me, and I’ll measure this by my normal superficial metrics-drive a better car, get in better physical shape, be a better _____ (again the blanks to fill in here are from a very long list).  Leave the interpretation up to my family…well, we don’t want to go there.  My Tufts and MIT students?  That might work. Our customers?  Now, that would be very interesting to discover!

The bottom line here, and the most critical aspect of all of this process of self-assessment and making these resolutions worthwhile is that they must be able to adhere to The 3 M’s…

  • measurable:  easy to do, difficult to achieve, but that’s why you’re measuring
  • meaningful:   “cut down on desserts” vs. “lower my risk of diabetes by June, 2014”
  • managed:  something that is totally within my personal ability to control.

I would also add to this short tactic of paying attention to “The 3 M’s”, one more, and that is to be public about your resolutions.  You don’t need to announce on Facebook that you’re planning to become a better _____, but it's very important to let your closest personal friends and business associates know that your personal resolution is to…

  • become healthier and lose 15 pounds  (measurable)
  • so that you increase your energy level (measurable & meaningful)
  • so that you take control of your cholesterol (managed)

In this way, the resolution becomes not only critical to you, but gains the support of your friends to assist you through the next twelve months of hard work and consistent attention.

Now take this thought process about The 3 M’s, and turn it into your 3 Sales Resolutions for 2014.

How about sharing those?

A Very Happy & Successful 2014...and Good Selling !!!


 Head Coach

As one of your personal resolutions to expand your sales management skills, think about attending our upcoming Sales Management Boot Camp.  3 activities you might want to follow up with:

  1. Click on the icon below for an outline of what takes place.  
  2. You can also click HERE for a more detailed agenda
  3. Or just email me at, for a 10 minute call