Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

Psyching Up Your Sales Side

Written by Jack Derby, Head Coach | Wed, Jun 01, 2011

With the turn of the digital page today, we’re BANG right into June and facing the end of the quarter.  Hard now to remember those exciting days back in January at the annual sales meeting, when everything was spread out before us and December, 2011 seemed a very long way away. 

Actually, Q2 for me is always the most interesting and advantageous quarter of the year.

  1.  There’s plenty of time left in the year to learn from the positives…and the negatives…over the past six months and perform the three R’s:  Reassess, Recalibrate, and Replan the rest of the year.
  2. June is a great month to close business.  No holidays, very few distractions except a graduation or two, and it’s still not vacation season.  Plus, with 22 selling days in the month, it’s one of the most robust months to work the magic.
  3. Coming up is the July 4th weekend and the opportunity to spend 4 to 5 extra hours over a long weekend just taking a time out to think through the balance of the year.  Sure, I expect that everyone will do the family picnic thing and take a trip or two to the beach, but a long weekend right after the close of the quarter does provide a few extra hours to think through just how you’re going to attack Q3 and the balance of the year.

Right now, it’s time to hunker down, focus on spending 80 plus hours a week of hard selling time for the next four weeks, get into the field, max out your time on the phone and close some deals!

Just so that you’re not distracted by bad people or bad karma both of which will waste your time and screw up your head, you might find some useful hints in this short presentation on Psyching Up Your Sales Side.  

Good selling !  It’s going to be a great end to the quarter !


Save the Date: 
Sales Management Optimization Boot Camp
October 2nd-4th