Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

The Sales Law of 6's & 9's

Written by Jack Derby, Head Coach | Fri, Aug 05, 2011

A very tough day yesterday.  As if we didn’t have enough problems trying to sell stuff in The Dog Days of Summer, as I was driving to four different sales meetings yesterday, I kept listening to the news on Bloomberg.  I found that I literally had to take 10 minutes by myself before I walked into every account, using all of my Psyche Up Skills, to keep my head focused in the right place as the day wore on, and the market kept plummeting. 

Over the last four weeks, coincidentally I’ve had the opportunity to speak at a number of sales meeting about “Thinking Differently” because I’ve sensed, felt and, most importantly, just listened to the opinions from the senior managers at our customers that the second half of this year is going to be much more difficult than the first, and it all has to do with the uncertainty of what’s out there on the economic front.  My guess is that what happened yesterday was the Street’s response to that growing uncertainty.

All of which pushes me to think differently than ever before about how I can enable the sales managers I come into contact with to think much more stringently about how they hire salespeople and adjust their vocabulary from “good enough”, which last I looked was the equivalent of a B-, to being able to hire the “A's”, and the "AA's".

Continuing on our recent blog theme of a few “Laws of Sales” and the post earlier this week on “The Law of 3,000”, I’d welcome your comments on our ideas about the “Sales Law of 6’s & 9’s , and would also like to hear your thoughts on your own Sales Laws that have become best practices for you.

In our Sales Management Boot Camp on October 2nd-4th, we go into great detail with similar data, numerous tactics and detailed recommendations that can optimize the sales performance of your team by up to 30% in a year. To learn more regarding the details about agenda, costs, speakers and location, just click on to Sales Management Boot Camp. or you can just send me an email at, and I can schedule a very short 10 minute call to answer questions and walk you through the details. In quick summary…

  • Five years of boot camps
  • Over 350 graduates
  • CEOs & Sales Managers only- (a number of sales managers are bringing 1or 2 of their team)
  • High satisfaction & lots of testimonials
  • Presentations by Brainshark, HubSpot & Salesforce
  • Pre-August 15th discounts
  • Pre-August 15th free Sales Assessment Whiteboarding Session-a $2,500 value

Good Selling a very good weekend.

Head Coach