Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

Rhythm of the Seasons...and Sales

Written by Jack Derby, Head Coach | Wed, Aug 22, 2012

To a fault (yea, I know, I have many), I'm a big believer in the rhythm of business and the rhythm of the seasons.  Maybe as a confirmed 6th generation Vermonter, paying attention to the seasonal ebb and flow becomes a necessity living in an environment which only has two seasons:  "snow" and "bad sleddin' ".  In reality, Vermonters actually live with at least 7 different seasons which include "Mud", "Hayin'", and "Summa' Tourist" intermixed among the Big 4. 

At my house on the NH coast, the year is divided much more simply into the seasons of "Beach", which is anything above 55 degrees and "No Beach", which includes hats, heavy jackets and the necessity to keep walking fast.  Yesterday Jack, my favorite lifeguard who just happens to be a software marketing guru in his alter ego real life, pointed out that there were only 7 more days before the season ended, to which I responded... "What the heck are you talking about???"  But, sadly, he's right.  Jack's starting a great job next week with a big corporate powerhouse in Boston, the kids are back to school, my teaching at MIT and Tufts starts the first week in  September, and I'll soon be back to my daily 4:00 AM morning commute to the Boston office.


I love the fall in New England.  Actually, the falling leaves thing leaves me cold given that someone (which would be me) needs to deal with all of the cleanup work.  What I truly do enjoy is the intensity and the rhythm of business during the last four months of the year. It's just a wonderfully complex time of year. There's the intensity of the sales drive to finish the year on plan coupled with the requirement to deliver a well thought out 2013 business plan made even more complex due to the necessity to balance everyone's time requirements with attending a number of offsite management team planning meetings aimed at winnowing down to a very few all of those new 2013 growth opportunities.

A Few Tools...

Hopefully, we can make this fall just a bit less stressful for you with a few free tools... 

  1. Our recently edited 75 page ebook-Writing the Winning Business Plan

  2. A Presentation that summarizes that ebook

  3. A new Presentation on Tips & Rules for conducting successful offsites

More Presentations... 

For more presentations, you can visit our growing tool library at Solutions on our website.

Welcome to the fall...and Good Selling!

Head Coach


In our Sales Management Boot Camp, we provide the opportunity to discuss and learn about the dramatic changes in sales management as a professionin while also providing you with specific, hands-on answers to the question: “What can I do to dramatically impact our revenue in Q4 and 2013?”.
For the details on this September 30th-October 2nd two and a half day Boot Camp and how we believe that you can attend for almost nothing, just click HERE,