Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

Don't just remember, do something!

Nothing I can write in my normal Friday blog about business, entrepreneurship or my even beloved Tufts is important today, as we head out for the long Memorial Day weekend and the kickoff of the summa of '22.  I would ask that all of us do something to not just remember, but to take some tiny action that brings reality to the lives of millions of veterans who have given us the freedom of democracy and protected the lives that we have today. 

In a time of very difficult political strife and unthinkable tragedies in Uvalde and Buffalo, we need to not only silently remember, but actually do something that produces demonstrative change.  Back in my undergraduate days at BC, I was repeatedly in the streets "carrying flags and waving signs" as the song reminds me, but those days are gone forever.  It simply takes too long for minimal results.   

Today, the answer is to take actions both in the voting booth and in our ability to write checks to continue to raise benefits for our veterans and to change the gun laws.  I'm a realist, and I live in NH and VT, two of the least restrictive states in buying guns of any kind, but with 80% of Americans in favor of some level of increased restriction, now is the time for change!  That same clarion of change needs to be rung for increased benefits for our disabled veterans!   The opportunity here is to actually do something and to do something now:

  • write a check
  • volunteer and put in time 
  • purposefully recruit a veteran 

Have a wonderful weekend!  Take some well-deserved time off!  Hug the kids!  
Just remember that Memorial Day is not about the barbecue!


Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts.