Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

Slow down, reduce the lanes & focus!

Written by Jack Derby, Head Coach | Fri, Jun 26, 2020

I happened to be talking to a friend of mine, Paul Kelly, President of Berkshire Bank, yesterday about...what else...Sales, of course, and he provided a very interesting perspective to approaching his sales process during these times of unknowns.  Notice I just used the phrase "times of unknowns" since "chaotic" is too depressing and "new normal/abnormal" has become too much of a trite label, All we do know right now is that we will be in this "time of unknowns" for at least the next six and probably twelve months.  Nothing we can do in our day-day-day is going to change the overall environment, but determined and innovative managers like Paul, who focus on positivity, motivation and specific marketing and sales tactics, impact sales at their companies every week. 

Reduce the # of lanes! 

At the beginning of the call, I had asked for advice on buying a car, and as we shifted to talking about business at the bank, he noted that he had been working with his team on "reducing the number of lanes", which I thought was clever language, and understood it initially to mean about focus moving from eight lanes on a highway to a smaller number.  In fact, he explained that it was about focus in general, but much more specifically, he is working with his very experienced team to reduce their marketing and selling tactics for new customers to only those market sectors (the lanes) where there is stated market growth during this time of unknowns.   

Simple in its strategy and messaging, focused in its activity and discipline and backed up with training and Paul's relentless motivation about positive thinking, this tactic of narrowing market focus is one more step to take advantage of the fact there is still a ton of available business on the street.

What closing that business now requires is relentless training and discipline in sales management skills more than ever before!.

sign up now-Sales Management Boot Camp:  August 24th-25th.

For two mornings of August 24th & 25th, we're holding our Sales Management Boot Camp online. The next day, August 26th, we're available to work one-on-one with team members.

  • Focused on sales management for CEOs, presidents and sales managers at all levels
  • We're totally focused on tactics to insure a successful September & Q4.
  • Focus will be specific tactics within the categories of process, tools, technologies, & people
  • Skills training, process-building, lead gen, forecasting, closing, and managing & hiring in 2020.
  • Proven sales management experts:  Jack & George plus...
  • James Stone, Director, Mid Market Sales , Hubspot.  Colleen Honan, CSO, Building Engines
  • 4 for now, one or two more to be announced-all real world, experienced and successful!
  • We will specifically customize our content around the specific needs of our attendee team.  Now's the time to sign up and let us know where you want us to tactically focus. 

Different from big numbers of people and formulaic programs, our boot camps are focused at 20ish managers so that there is plenty of opportunity for customization and active engagement through the sessions.  

Click here for more information, and then my suggestion would be to connect with me directly at, and we can set up a call to answer questions.  


If at any time, you have a need for a confidential sounding board in business planning or for Sales or Marketing , just connect with me at any time.  Text or email me, and I will quickly set up a call. 

I'm a pretty good listener.  Obviously, no cost for a call or two; just an opportunity to listen intently and make a few recommendations based on decades of experience.

Be safe, be positive and be tactical! 
Have a great weekend!