Derby Management's "Competitive Edge" Blog

All The Marbles Today

This afternoon's Finals of the Tufts $100K Business Plan Competition started with 100s of February applications and countless hours of expert advice from hands-on-coaches which then moved to 30 Semi-Finalists three weeks ago and today will come down to the judging of 15 finalists for all of the marbles.  Along that path, our distinctive expertise in applying our own brand of "Entrepreneurship for the Rest of Us" is the uniqueness that we provide at The Derby Entrepreneurship Center.


  • Hands-on expertise directly from our professors and EIRs who have been startup entrepreneurs and personally experienced solid successes and just enough miserable failures to humanize us.
  • Constant follow up that is not casual and certainly not superficial.
  • Deep connections to experts and investors throughout the Tufts and Boston communities.

Clearly a day when everyone is a winner!

As long as I'm talking about Tufts, this is also that time of year that I start to advocate for two things:

1.  Both summer internships and full time jobs for my students from my Marketing course and from my Science of Sales course.  Let me know what you're looking for, and I'll provide you with my best along with any personal guidance you want.  

2.  I teach by a method of "Content in Context" where I and my expert instructors provide detailed marketing or sales content that is then used within the context of a company's request for a detailed marketing or sales plan over the period of the semester. The objectives of these complex semester-long projects are then given to 5-6 juniors and seniors on each team, and with that all of the course content is then specifically developed to support those company projects.  We take 6 projects a semester.  I teach Marketing in both semesters and Sales only in the Spring.  There are weekly meetings requirements between the student teams and management...just as would happen if you were hiring an established marketing agency of sales consultancy focused on improving your sales productivity. Management provides 40% of the overall semester grade.  

If you're interested, let me know, and I'll send you instructions.  The list of projects along with the fall syllabus will go out to the fall students on June 15th with some level of required work to be completed over the summer.  Another example of hands-on expertise which makes Tufts unique!   Call or email me with any quesitons.




You can click here for this brand new  "Writing the Winning Sales Plan in 2024"for a few ideas on structure, sales models, process, a number of productivity tools and how to hire.  

Just give me a call or text 617-504-4222 if you have any comments or questions!
Have a great weekend!  
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts.