How to Hire-Skills, Experience & Attributes

  1. Skills:  What are the specific selling skills that you need?  Skills can be taught, trained for, and  ested.  There are close to 50 different sales skills that can learned, polished and for which, professional salespeople can be tested, and most importantly, certified in.
  2. Experience:  What is the exact experience that you need in your salespeople?  What are the years, the degrees and what are the types of salespeople you require for 2018-2019?  Define the specific experience that you need in the sales jobs in terms of types of customers and years as in "more than x years"
  3. Attributes:   What are the social qualities that you need and are most reflective of you as the manager?  When it comes down to the Sales Attributes expressed in such words as drive, commitment, passion, work ethic and 40 other sales-related attributes, these are the qualities that were defined in all of us at very young ages sitting around the kitchen table, listening in church and by being in a classroom in our very early school years.  It's extremely hard to modify attributes, and, more importantly, as a hiring sales manager, I neither have the time or the skills to modify anyone's behavior.  

Learn more about how to hire the right candidates by watching the presentation to the right.