Strategic and Business Planning

Download our Writing the 2025 Winning Business Plan as a guide 

biz meeting

We're experts in both annual and longer-term strategic planning...

BUT in 2025, you need short-term tactical 12-18-month business plans!

Over the past 30 years, we have had the experience of facilitating strategic and business planning on an ongoing basis for hundreds of companies ranging from young high tech, venture-backed startups to large industrial manufacturing companies to  regional accounting and law firms to public banks, government agencies and to larger corporations such as Steinway & Sons, Chase Corporation, divisions of Fidelity, The Massachusetts Gaming Commission, the Boston Police Department, Iron Mountain and  Winn Corporation.

We believe that we have a unique planning process that guarantees total management buy-in from the members of the senior management team and re-engages with the team quarterly to refresh and update their tactical operating commitments that they made to the business and to one another. This total commitment to the business and to one another is especially critical during these times of massive change in our businesses.

You set the objectives for the planning session whether that is to look at the business as a whole, to initiate more robust growth in your Sales and Marketing organizations, to build detailed succession plans or to unlock new markets.  Our job is to facilitate these meetings and guarantee you and your team that you will get to those objectives....on time, successfully and as a unified team with 100% commitment on the part of everyone.

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These highly interactive programs range from half day or full day “Whiteboarding” Sessions using Zoom or Teams.  For our face-to-face sessions we have a Boston location at The University Club of Boston or at the unique MIT Endicott House in Dedham.  During the summer, we use my lab at The Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts.  For special multi-day events, we use the Conference Center at The Stratton Mountain Club in nearby Southern Vermont.

In terms of facilitating online sessions, we have deep experience gained from years of teaching online courses at Tufts and MIT.

We strongly believe that the best corporate strategies are those that are totally integrated into the culture and daily operations of your business. In our work as facilitators and coaches of strategy and business planning, we assist our customers by defining and executing long-term strategic plans and shorter-term business plans. We provide a variety of methods through which strategic directions are openly discussed and analyzed in order to measure Sales, Marketing, Finance and operational performance and build a fully developed tactical business plan with complete buy-in among all the management team.

We involve all the senior management in a unique and creative process aimed at integrating the current business issues with the required future strategic planning. With corporate visions and core strategies established, we lead management through a tactical process of creating a pragmatic business plan along with meaningful quarterly departmental operating plans...all focused to creating customer value and increasing your financial performance!

working together

We also specialize in working directly with all levels of your Sales and Marketing teams to create both tactical and operating quarterly Sales and Marketing plans for the company and for individual territories, product lines and business units.    

We provide you with an ongoing monthly or quarterly review process that ensures that management performance is maximized through every quarter.

If outside financing is required, we can provide direct assistance in creating financial plans and taking you and your team through the process of venture or private equity fundraising.

Most importantly, we create total management buy-in of...

  • management accountability everywhere in the company
  • planning team responsibility and accountability to one another 
  • focused urgency everywhere among the entire management team.

Learn More?

Just email Jack at, and he'll set up a Zoom/Teams!