It's that time of year again, when I'm searching for six company projects for my seniors and juniors marketing class at Tufts for the fall semester. We already have two superb companies with very interesting projects up!
For the last six years, I've had the privilige of being a professor of Marketing at Tufts in a fast-paced, highly interactive course where the students are continuously immersed in the real world of today's marketing and sales strategies, tactics and tools.
One of the means through which this is accomplished is that six teams of five students are focused for the 13 week semester on completing complex marketing projects for companies typically in the NE geography. These no-cost projects vary widely from...
- Developing detailed market and customer research reports
- Creating new product launches
- Creating full marketing plans for small and middle market businesses.
- Developing sales tools-whitepapers, value propositions, checklists
If you are at all interested in participating for the upcoming fall semester, just email me at, and I will send you an outline of what's involved. All of our selections need to be finalized by June 15th which allows the incoming students to form their teams and do research on their chosen companies over the summer so that we hit the ground running on the first class on September 4th.