Maybe it's simply the spring after a too-long winter. It could be the excitement that comes with the end of spring training and the opening game of the Red Sox coupled with the added excitement of Monday's running of the Boston Marathon. But for whatever reason, everyone, everywhere is talking about starting companies, becoming an entrepreneur and experimenting with new ideas, and new innovations.
Last Friday I participated in Tufts' $100K Business Plan Competition.
Just one word-extraordinary!
Extraordinary depth in the science, maturity in the presenters and clarity in the business acumen of what it would take to fuel their go-to-market strategies. Couple that with the fact that these early-stage businesses came from the classrooms and labs across the entire breadth of all Tufts' 11 schools and encompassed four sectors: Technology, Healthcare & Life Science, Nutrition and Social Impact.
Yesterday morning I had the opportunity to participate in the advisory board meeting of Tufts' Friedman School of Nutrition Entrepreneurship Institute. Again, just extraordinary depth in the science, the clarity, the directional strategies and the absolute poise in its entrepreneurs!
I had the occasion last night of being the speaker at The Financial Executives International of Boston annual academic awards to both juniors and seniors from area universities recognizing the best in outstanding academic achievements in the field of finance from these schools. Listening to the announcements and achievements of these young men and women, talking with their parents and their professors and discussing with the students their choices for their first full time jobs, left me repeating that same word of "extraordinary" again and again.
My talk last night focused on this new theme for me about "entrepreneurship for the rest of us" since too many people on hearing that word, "entrepreneur" immediately translate that to high-tech on one hand or Shark Tank on the other. The theme is still in development, and it needs more research and clarity in its recommended actions...for the rest of us. Would love to hear your comments and suggestions as to how to take this to the next level. Maybe it's a book, probably not, but I believe there's a need here for both depth and clarity in how we bring the concepts of innovation and make them more practical in the running of our any stage. You can listen to an abbreviated summary of it here. Let me know what you think and what you would add.
TO REdo YOUR '22 SALES PLAN for the most important Q of the year!
Your well-planned 2022 Sales Plan that you architected in November, approved in December and rolled out at your January sales kickoff now needs a tune-up. It's time this coming week to spend a day with the team and walk through the details of your entire tactical plan for Q2 and Q3.
Here's our 2022 guide to help. At any time just connect with me! There's no cost to a call or two, plus I love listening and talking about sales.
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts.