Most everything in business has a definitive rhythm. Every quarter is marked by various events of annual planning, budgeting, sales kickoffs, trade shows, and of course...summa' vacations, which no matter how carefully we plan around them, they always seem to impact our sales forecasts with delays.
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Sales Best Practices,
Teaching entrepreneurship,
Teaching at Tufts University,
Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts,
2023 Business Planning,
2023 Sales Planning,
Derby Entrepreneurship Center
Maybe it's simply the spring after a too-long winter. It could be the excitement that comes with the end of spring training and the opening game of the Red Sox coupled with the added excitement of Monday's running of the Boston Marathon. But for whatever reason, everyone, everywhere is talking about starting companies, becoming an entrepreneur and experimenting with new ideas, and new innovations.
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social entrepreneurship,
writing sales plans,
writing business plans,
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts
Snowing heavily at 6:00 this morning out by the Vermont barn, as I'm sure it is wherever you are here in New England. Looks like 13-15" on the hill today, but unfortunately for me a packed day of sales calls and zooms. When it snows, I always worry about the mechanics of dealing with it even with three snowblowers at various houses and a superb plow service from the team at Homestead up the road a piece. It's just my normal belt and suspenders approach to way overthinking too many details.
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jack derby professor at Tufts,
how to write a sales plan,
sales effectivness,
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts,
2022 business planning,
2022 sales planning,
With Valentine's Day Sunday, I find myself once again in the woods of Vermont this morning with a -4 degree temp and "yet-another-dusting" of four inches. Just enough that it will ice unless attacked by "Big Orange", my brand new 30" Ariens delivered by the superb sales guys up the road a piece at Brown Enterprises. For variety, I work out of the NH beach Monday through Wednesday, drive to Boston following Wednesday's Tufts class, check on the now-vacant office, pick up the mail and then drive to VT.
I work here in VT on Thursdays and Fridays...and then, depending on the weatha' for the weekend, stay or leave. I love the variety of the rural VT woods and the NH sand. It's my own own stress-reducer keeping my head screwed on and the entire weekly process reaffirms my love of what I do.
After 30+ years of management consulting including 20+ of teaching at MIT and Tufts, I have the opportunity to work with the management of hundreds of companies every year and hundreds of both students and alums at both universities. I love the work, the challenges, the extraordinary variety of both problem solving and creating new sales opportunities along with the inherent management coaching that goes along with it. This is all I do, and I can't imagine doing anything else except a little snowboarding in the winta' (but not this year) and surfing in the summa'
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marketing productivity,
business coaching,
how to close sales,
sales success,
sales effectivness
One does not need to be an entrepreneur to be entrepreneurial, so it's with that thought that I share a few ideas to take you through the holidays and hopefully a couple of days off for a much-needed break.
In the spirit of sharing, the first three of these came to me last week from one of the all-time great entrepreneurs, CB Vaughn, the founder of CB Sports, who revolutionized the world of skiing and championship ski racing by designing and manufacturing outwear that became the market leader in design, while being extremely functional on the hill. Still today, when people notice that I worked with CB, they will stop and tell me about the first CB parka that they bought, its color, and how they had saved up for a year to make the purchase at top ski shops like Pedigree Sports.
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2020 business plans,
2020 sales plans
Of course the announcement of the beginning of Spring brings out all of that amorphous stuff about rebirth, awakening and new growth. For me, after all of these springs, I'm sure that those touchy feelings also exist somewhere neatly filed in some dusty corner of my brain right alongside my desire to look for the first robin. Not really !
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Sales Management Best Practices,
sales optomization,
sales management boot camp,
improving sales productivity,
sales leadership,
Making Tough Choices
My Hubspot blog template asks me this morning "What are we writing about today?". This Thursday morning, I'm pretty consumed with the excitement and the logistics of tomorrow's day-long Founder's Workshop and its incredible line up of real-life entrepreneurs, early stage investors and expert coaches, all focused on making sure that our early stage entrepreneurs do not fall off the cliff.
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business coaching,
Tufts Gordon Institute,
Making Tough Choices,
sales success,
jack derby professor at Tufts,
Tufts Entrepreneurship,
Tufts Entrepreneurship Center
Back-in-the-day, working in corporate healthcare at Becton Dickinson, I didn’t know how to spell the word, “entrepreneurship”. Even though three prior generations of my family had built businesses, that word would have been confusing at best since all that was talked about around the kitchen table was “the stores”. It was the stores, open six days a week and Friday nights where my grandfather, father, mother, and me and my brothers worked. It was never thought to be anything special.
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sales and marketing best practices,
The Competitive Edge,
Tufts Gordon Institute,
Tufts internships,
Tufts ELS,
jack derby professor at Tufts,
Tufts Entrepreneurship
Been a wicked busy and wicked cold January, so not much in the way of blogging, but now with this leap into February, I’m back at it. It was my great grandfather Horace, who lived up the road a piece in the beautiful town of Poultney, Vermont, who talked about 8 months of snow, 2 months of mosquitoes and 2 months of “just damn poor sleddin’”. My family has lived in this valley for just about 250 years, and what I know is that it takes real work to live here. Vermont’s beautiful on one hand, and just hardscrabble tough on the other.
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how to write a business plan,
writing a business plan,
Tufts university,
Making Tough Choices,
jack derby professor at Tufts,
Tufts Entrepreneurship,
Tufts Entrepreneurship Center
When I became the Director of the Tufts Entrepreneurship Center, one of the Center's professors, a great guy and a superb instructor noted in our first faculty meeting "since you are the oldest..." , at which time, I jokingly cut him off, and he quickly course-corrected to point out... "I meant, you've been teaching here the longest".
I've also realized during the last six months through Tufts' very unique perspective on entrepreneurship, innovation and research, that age has its benefits.
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Tufts Entrepreneurship