Your Marketing Challenge Just Got More Difficult

Posted by Jack Derby, Head Coach on Tue, Jul 25, 2017

Companies face an enormous challenge trying to stay on top of marketing trends and finding new ways to increase lead generation.  When working with our clients to develop their marketing strategy and/or write their marketing plan we are always working to determine how to reach the right target audience, with the right message and generate the most MQL's (Marketing Qualified Leads).  One key strategy is always leveraging LinkedIn Groups to push out content to strategically targeted groups. This is a great way for companies to use existing content like blogs, white papers, Press Releases and push them out to the right audiences to increase lead generation.

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However, LinkedIn just announced it made a change in its API as of July 2017, LinkedIn will no longer support the LinkedIn Groups API. This means you will no longer be able to access content from, or share content to, a LinkedIn Group through external platforms.  So if you use tools like Hubspot and Hootsuite for social publishing then your marketing team just got a new challenge.  Instead of having your marketing department scheduling these releases it now must be a manual process from each individual user to their own LinkedIn Groups.  This just made it more difficult and time consuming for companies to leverage the power of social media.  

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Tags: marketing, how to write a marketing plan, SEO, Inboound