I am Strong...and Sales

Posted by Jack Derby, Head Coach on Mon, Apr 21, 2014

vermont strong resized 600When Hurricane Irene devastated Vermont, we became Vermont Strong!  We didn't wait for FEMA to show up to hand out blankets and food stamps.  That next day, we worked knee deep in the rivers with wheelbarrows and shovels to get Vermont back on the map. Even though 6 bridges had been totally torn away in the 30 miles between Brattleboro and Stratton, the road was open again in two weeks. Two years later, tens of thousands of Vermonters proudly display "We are Vermont Strong" license plates.

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 The 118th Boston Marathon

Today as volunteers on the Marathon race line, we stand beside the thousands of Boston police officers who will insure the principles that We are Boston Strong, and that we will never forget the senselessness of last year's tragedy.



We are Boston Strong!

Strength is the underlying attribute of the very best sales people!

  • Strength to stay the course when everyone else has given up
  • Strength to keep focused on the customer and not on you
  • Strength to focus on buyer value and not on product features 
  • Strength to put up with lots of rejection 
  • Strength to focus on your limited time
  • Strength to win again & again & again

Being part of the 118th Marathon is a superb way to begin the week!

Good Selling!  Keep Running! 

Jack Derby 

Head Coach  

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