Breaking the Rules About Time

time-1-1Well, maybe not actually "breaking the rules about time" since time itself is illiquid, but as a sales and marketing guy, other than my skills, the only real currency I have is my own time, and how I chose to use it. It's as simple as that and...paying attention to the laws of time.

The very good news is that we gain an extra hour of sleep on Sunday even though millions of Americans-including me-say they’d prefer to have more daylight indefinitely.  

As I race off at 5:00 this morning to facilitate a planning session in Boston on 2024 sales tactics, I have two timely subjects that could potentially provide you with timely solutions for the remaining 33 selling days in the Q. 

Tufts Sales & Marketing Projects

Right now, I'm out looking for semester-long projects for next semester:

tufts 2-2I teach two courses: "The Science of Marketing", and "The Science of Sales", both core courses for our entrepreneurship minor at the Derby Entrepreneurship Center, which is the largest minor at Tufts. 

The content that I and my instructors (mostly alums from these courses over 20 years who are now sales and marketing managers) teach is focused on 6 Marketing and 4 Sales projects provided from senior management of real companies, who want detailed Marketing or Sales plans.   

  • The projects involve research, analysis, detailed tactical plans and budgets.
  • Either B2B or B2C projects in any market or industry.
  • Companies range in size from pre-revenue startups to $10m-$75m. 
  • Materials are sent to students in early December for immediate decisions.  
If you're interested in learning more, just connect at, and I'll send you instructions, and then we can talk. Our results have been extraordinary with very positive reviews!

ENET (Boston Entrepreneurs Network) Tuesday Night 

ENET Sales and Marketing 2023I plan to have fun talking about my favorite subject -"The Science of Sales & Marketing" Tuesday night at LaSalle University in Newton with my friends at ENET.  I've done this for a couple of years, and always look forward to this very unique audience of tech entrepreneurs.!event-register/2023/11/7/sales-and-marketing-with-jack-derby



Planning 2023-1Check out our updated sales productivity site page.  Just page down to get our 2023 edition of 
Writing the Winning Sales Plan for 2023. 

Or you can just email me, and I'll send you a free copy.  I'm now into three weekends of updating this for 2024, so if you have ideas or just want to write content, let me know.  
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts.