Somewhere among the results of the first half of the year are lots of reasons to celebrate, and this weekend is the perfect time of year to do just that. As we power through the last hours of this month making sure that every drop of quota juice gets squeezed through this quarter's wringer, once that's done, and you've cleaned up paperwork tonight or tomorrow morning, just stop! Get out of town, go to the beach, hang out in the backyard, and just celebrate!Yes, I know that this does not sound like the normal workaholic seven-days-a-week, Jack, and no, I did not get mellowed out by the heat, but I'm also a student of the science of when it's time to hang it up and step away for a few days. Plus, I love both the simplicity and the complex history of the 4th. Later tonight I will be jumping in the fast red car to get to Vermont, where the 4th of July takes on a whole new meaning in this quirky state of my ancestors. I'll get to watch the West Wardsboro parade twice since there's only one main road in town, and what goes one way, needs to come back. Simple Vermont practicality. Then another fast trip back to the NH beach to watch the outlandish fireworks and huge bonfires that are part of the tradition here ever since my parents brought me to this beach at the age of 5.
1. This is one of the two weeks of the year, (the other being Christmas week), when normal people in general take time off to be with their families, so even if you wanted to continue your work as a salesperson, there's not many people who will be on the other end of the line. Since one of the critical aspects of success in selling at any time is rooted in the formality of your sales process and the metrics of available prospects, the math is simply not going to work for the rest of this week into next.
2. You need to take a break, drink a Bud, grill something and laugh out on the deck with the family! To say that this has been a stressful year is an gross understatement. We've all been wicked stressed no matter whether the results of our businesses have been positive, negative or somewhere in between. It's time to just walk away for a day or three.
3. Take some time to celebrate the true meaning of the 4th! First, just take a minute and reflect on the true meaning of the words, "American Revolution" as it applied to what occurred in 1775. While you're rapidly cascading back through your memory banks pulling up distant fragments about the Boston tea rebellion and the first battles on the Lexington Green, you also might want to jump ahead to the present day. Rapidly shift gears into thinking not about armed insurrection, but into much more positive ideas of creating change, pushing innovation and defining real entrepreneurship in the way you and your company work. These are the true principles of success on which America was built, and there's no better time to think about this than in celebrating the 4th.
Have a great day pulling it all together !

If at any time, you have a need for a confidential sounding board for Sales or Marketing as you plan the quarter ahead, just connect with me at any time. Text or email me, and I'll quickly set up a call. I'm a pretty good listener, and we can get deep into tactics if you want. Obviously, no cost for a call or two; just an opportunity to listen intently and make a few recommendations based on decades of experience.
For other ideas, download our ebook on Writing the Winning 2021 Sales Plan, and let me know what you think.