Broccoli !
The high-antioxidant, nutrient-rich, heart-healthy poster child of new age eating, or the scourge of every child and teenager who has heard the battle cry of “You have to eat your broccoli” ?
On the health side, broccoli includes vitamin C, vitamin A (mostly as beta-carotene), folic acid, calcium, and fiber, all of which play an important role in the control of high blood pressure, and may work to prevent colon cancer.
On the taste side, it tastes like...well, it tastes like, you know...broccoli !
One time proven method of getting your kids to not only eat broccoli, but actually enjoy it, is to make them part of the preparation process…the cleaning, the seasoning, the cooking, and the actual presentation. The idea here being if they are part of the process, if they understand and come to appreciate the preparation, and if they actually participate in making it enjoyable, they will actually like the taste. At least that's the theory, and, in most cases it proves out.
The lesson here is that on one hand, I can force the requirement to eat broccoli, "down their throat", so to speak, or, on the other, I can make them part of the process and most probably end up having them actually enjoy the taste and grow to understand the health benefits over time.
What's it going to be? Force or Engage?
For me, thanks very much, I've tried Door #1, I'm going to go for Door #2This same concept applies to your CRM systems and completing the circle to ensure that your salespeople fully engage in today's high-customer-value, nutrient-rich, more-efficient, and proven-to-be-more-effective "Selling to Value" tools and processes.
Engagement in this case includes...
- ...the actual construction of your company's sales process. "This is Our [Insert Company Name Here] Way of Selling". There is no other way! It's religion, it's discipline, it works because all of us created it to work that way, and we know it brings high value both in efficiency and effectiveness to us and to our customers. No one on the sales team colors outside the lines, unless we all agree to change our sales process and our sales tools!
- ...the customizing of the various sales tools and exactly how they fit into our CRM irrespective of whether the technology is SFDC, MS CRM or [our personal favorite], Hubspot CRM.
- ...the metrics and how the measuring sticks will be reported, displayed, and, most importantly used by us to bring higher value to our customers and higher success to us, as a team.
On this Saturday morning as you're thinking about what it will take to successfully close January and work through the rest of the quarter, give our Broccoli & CRM concept some thought. If it makes sense, email us, and we'll set up a call to walk you through the recipe on how to prepare and engage your entire team in enjoying the taste of your own CRM.
- Read about our simplified Business Planning techniques
- Download our 100 page "Writing the Winning Business Plan"
- Focus first on improving your Sales Productivity
- Try one of our Whiteboarding Sessions,
...or just, even more simply, give us a call at anytime to talk through your 2017 sales objectives. I and some of my partners have a wicked commute every evening (the cost of living on the beach), so we welcome the time just to talk confidentially at the end of a day. Send an email, and we'll schedule you in. Simple as that. No cost, it's confidential, and provides you with an opportunity for a sounding board.
Good Selling...and remember to eat your broccoli this weekend!
Derby Management...for 25 years
-Sales & Marketing Productivity Experts
-Business & Strategy Planning Specialists
-Senior Management Coaches for CEOs & VPs
Boston, MA 02117
Jack's Cell: 617-504-4222