Sugarin' season in Sales

Posted by Jack Derby, Head Coach on Thu, Feb 27, 2020

The rhythm of the seasons...Taint spring yet

spring snow melting-1I was reminded yesterday of the inevitable rhythm of the seasons both in VT and in the world of Sales.  It seems that for some yet unknown reason, a decision has been made to redo the kitchen in Vermont.  Not that I was consulted or even asked in this decision process, but I was told that a decision had been made all the same. Given this, I reached out to my friend Steve at Homestead, the company up at the end of the road a piece that does the plowing in the winta', the lawn in the summa' and basically everything else from landscaping to construction at the VT house.  

Thinking that I might get some solace as to decisions being made without my input, Steve, in his best Vermont accent quickly told me..."get over it", and then we got down to the business of the upcoming destruction and the reconstruction of a perfectly good kitchen. Steve and his wife Tami, the president of the company, are well respected and highly experienced business people, who are totally in line with what it takes to manage the intricacies of the seasonal aspects of living and working in Vermont.

Vermont Maple SyrupWe talked about the work to be done, and Steve quickly pointed out that although he had a solid list of recommended cabinetmakers, plumbers, electricians, and masonry contractors, the work would have to wait until after the sugarn' is done...and the timing for that-of course-depends on the weatha'.   

Working in VT often depends on the weatha' which is hard to forecast with any accuracy.  Not dissimilar from the world of selling in a world of unknowns from viruses to economic conditions.

Q2 is always the most critical quarter in sales !!!

We know from decades of running companies and managing sales organizations that Q2 sets the pace for the remaining quarters of the year. This is exactly why we're holding our Sales Management Boot Camp on April 9th-right at the perfect time when specific tactical improvements can be implemented to show immediate results. This is exactly why we constructed the camp the way we have:

  • an intense one day program of highly interactive instruction at the MIT Endicott House
  • a small number of senior managers as attendees
  • highly experienced instruction from expert real-life, hands-on sales management
  • follow up monthly phone calls both individually and as a team if desired
  • a late afternoon June reception to refresh and discuss Q2 best practices 

...all for the low price of $895.  

Attend our Derby Sales Management Boot Camp-  April 9th 

Sales Boot Camp MITAs part of our Sales Management Consulting, we've been running boot camps for 20 plus years.  Held in partnership at MIT with other leading experts focused on dramatically increasing sales productivity, this intensive one day, highly-engaged camp brings together CEOs, Presidents and Sales Managers from a wide diversity of industries. 

  • We actively engage everyone in our exclusive strategy of "Process-Tools-Technology & People".
  • We dive deep into real-life tactics that you can start using immediately in Q2.
  • We focus on developing street-level Activity Playbooks that will significantly impact 2020 revenue. 
Colleen Honan The primary coaches will be George Simmons and me, and our guest speakers  include senior sales executives from Brainshark and Hubspot, two of the most widely used sales enablement and readiness technology platforms in the business.  Confirmed already is the highly experienced Colleen Honan, a dynamic, down-to-earth, true sales leader from Brainshark. Colleen will take you through the details of her unique tactic of  "Planning the Plan"!.  

Click here for more details and then just connect directly with me next week for any questions at, and I'll set up a call with you right away to talk through logistics. 

Jack and Tufts Entrepreneurship Center -1Looking forward to seeing you on April 9th! 


Please stay connected!
Head Coach, Derby Management, experts in...
-Sales & Marketing Productivity
-Business and Strategic Planning

Professor, Tufts Entrepreneurship Center
-Entrepreneurial Marketing
-The Science of Sales









Tags: Sales Management Best Practices, sales enablement, sales boot camp, improving sales productivity, sales leadership, sales effectivness, sales motivation, sales readiness