This year starts right now...

Red Rover End of Summer-1

Summa's over, kids are back in school, vacation days are behind us until the end of the year, and we're back at it moving at 100mph, working hard, fingers in the crankcase oil, making sure the machine works perfectly between now and December.   Different from Red above, for me personally, September through December is always the most exciting part of any year, and especially this year:

  • Everyone's now re-engaged mentally in the business of business for Q4.
  • This particular September, we are more and more "back in a hybrid office". 
  • An opportunity to actively engage with our management teams figuring out '22

Cycle of business 2Thinking about the rhythm of the annual business cycle in any business with a fiscal December yearend in just a short couple of months, we will soon be presenting our '22 departmental and complete business plans to our bosses and board members. All of which means that we need to discipline ourselves to find another 8-10 hours a week to our already-overpacked-work schedules in order to spend meaningful strategic planning time between now and December.   A very  exciting time of year!

If it's of help to your own planning process, you can download our 2021 updated "How to Write the Winning Business Plan" book. I began this process 20 years ago for my first class at MIT, where I have the privilege of teaching again this semester starting Monday. By now the book has had thousands of downloads and given that the cycle of business is changing so rapidly in 2021, I update it twice a year and will do so again in January.  At any time, of course, if you have questions or comments, just connect with me.

Why the gift to Tufts?

It's been a couple of months now since we made a $10m gift to Tufts, and I've had a lot of questions as to why and how and when and what is it for over the summer.  There's a couple of very succinct answers to the questions such as...

  • I am passionate about everything Tufts and regard every semester as a privilege to be there.
  • I've experienced first-hand exceptional student and faculty startup ideas through the Center.
  • An incredible faculty and administration in our president, Tony Monaco, and all of the deans.
  • A uniqueness in innovation among our 11 schools that we can rapidly expand.

Forbes 2021There are many other more personal reasons so I was very excited about the opportunity that David Radlo, an internationally recognized expert in sustainability, leadership and innovation, a Tufts alum and personal coach for our students, brought me in August to do a podcast with him for Forbes Books.  

David is a true entrepreneur in every sense of the word, and for me this was a fun, a comfortable and a very human process of talking about the gift. 

If you have a few minutes, you can click on to David site's and listen.  I'd be interested to know what you think.  Have a great day selling today, and enjoy what looks like great weatha this weekend!

Jack Derby, Professor & Sales Coach AN ANYTIME SOUNDING BOARD 

If at any time, you have a need for a confidential sounding board for your 2022 planning process, just connect with me at any time.  Text or email me, and I'll quickly set up a call.  I'm a pretty good listener, and we can get deep into tactics if you want. Obviously, no cost for a call or two; just an opportunity to listen intently and make a few recommendations based on decades of experience.

Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts. 





Tags: sales coaching, marketing effectiveness, sales management boot camps, improving sales productivity, Tufts ELS program, entrepreneurship, how to write a sales plan, marketing planning, writing business plans, freedom