A wicked busy week combined with customers, fundraising for our new startup, and super excited about this week at The Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts as we enter into the final competition at the annual Tufts $100K Business Plan Contest being held this Thursday night from 6-9:00. If you want to participate online in this professional slice magic of entrepreneurship at its best, click here to register.
3 tracks: click for details
- Plus, the Friedman Nutrition Prize
- Plus, the Ricci Prize in Engineering
- 5 from my own students
- All: fully developed plans
12 weeks of teaching later
This is the last of the content weeks with Marketing on Wednesday and Science of Sales on Thursday. This week, there will be final reviews, final speakers, a team lunch provided by the professor, and final cautions and tactics leading up to the final 90-minute presentations to their project management over the next two weeks. 11 different companies from a wide cross-section of industries, both B2B and B2C, ranging in size from product-developed startups with annual revenues ranging from sub $1m to $100m.
- 3 months of content
- Hubspot Certifications in Inbound. We teach the science of Sales & Marketing
- 18 combined outside expert speakers-most of whom are alums
- HBS case studies
- Weekly value propositions
- 30 job postings in Marketing and Sales
Everything comes down to the final presentations where fully developed Marketing or Sales plans are presented to their company management who determine 40% of their overall course grade.
For more about Tufts and me, click
Right now, I'm looking for:
- Five marketing projects for the fall semester. The syllabus and projects will go out June 15th with expected work to be done over the summer. Interested? Just connect with me for questions and explore ideas at jack@derbymanagement.com or text 617-504-4222.
- Both full and part time jobs for my seniors and juniors. We've filled around 20 jobs this semester in sales and marketing brought to us by our customers, my alums and blog readers! Keep 'em coming!
Whether you're a burgeoning entrepreneur or a seasoned corporate manager, you need a detailed marketing plan! It's that simple, and a real marketing plan is not a collection of high-end strategies about "digital marketing" and "content marketing". Phrases such as those are important, but only at the 100' off the deck level. What you want right now are:
- Detailed "how to" quarterly tactical plans with analytics for the balance of the year
- Sales-focused tools: playbooks, customer-proven emails and social posting formats
- Data from easy-to-use Hubspot. where we are certified partners
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts.