Market & Customer Research

As strategic and tactical coaches, we always focus first on understanding and quantifying the needs of the customers and all of the personas involved in the selling and marketing processes.

Market researchHaving worked in a wide variety of sales and marketing management positions over an even wider diversity of industries, our coaches provide a unique value to our customers by capturing “The Customer’s Voice”. 



Customer Voice ProcessClick for a detailed outline of what we do in our Customer Voice Process. 

Working within a proprietary interview and modeling program, we provide our customers with the flexibility of interpreting and assessing the data that we collect.

Operating from a format of providing custom-designed interview techniques, focus groups and survey formats, we provide our customers with quantifiable interpretations of their customers and prospects. 

Through Jack's semester-long Marketing project, we can also provide experienced interns to ask questions and calibrate responses more objectively and more
completely given that they are asking questions as marketing students

  • Product features and benefits
  • Product and service values as seen and felt by the customer
  • Product cost and performance measurements
  • Sales process and sales personnel assessments
  • Customer Satisfaction Assessments and Net Promoter Scores
  • We provide customized research in a wide variety of markets.  

Give us a call at 617-504-4222 to discuss what you have in mind!