The Day After The Big Thankful Day
Yesterday’s Thanksgiving holiday has got to be the best holiday of the year. In my own personal book of holidays, it actually ties with the 4th of July. What sets it apart from all the other holidays is…
- Happy people
- An actual celebration of thanks and life
- No stress except worrying about Uncle Harry at the dinner table
- Plus an extended weekend… if you’re not in retail
As you pull the last few sales deals together today, and you close out the month, just take a few minutes before you jump in the car and drive home tonight to tally up what you’re thankful for in the work that you do.
This very important exercise should take you around 30 minutes, and it's purpose is to condition your sales psyche for what lies ahead in the critical month of December.
My own Top 10:
- I know that the profession of Sales & Marketing is the most challenging and rewarding job there is
- Every day is just that…a new day to market, to sell and to work with customers
- Making money is totally up to my own skills, creativity and hard work
- I’m my own boss, and yet I have many bosses, mentors and employees for advice
- I’m surrounded by opportunities for continuous learning
- Every day, I’m on the cutting edge of using and learning about new technologies
- I’m a connector in a network of countless opportunities for making new connections
- I have the privilege of working with students at Tufts and MIT
- I'm thankful for the opportunity to connect my students with great companies
- I’m thankful for today, and tomorrow, and tomorrow…
Again, this litte exercise, mostly about sales and marketing, but in reality, it applies to anyone in a challenging work environment, should take you no more than 30 minutes to complete.
- Write it out.
- File it away.
- Put a reminder in your Outlook.
- Then review it on the 4th of July
...and celebrate the life that you have, the work that you do, and the success that you have brought to your customers, your company, and, of course, to yourself.
I trust that the month ended on plan. If it did, congratulations on the win, pat yourself on the back and have another glass of wine tonight at dinner! A good idea anyhow if you're going to survive either hitting the malls this weekend or putting up the Christmas decorations. If you're going to attempt both the malls and the decorations this weekend, think about having even more wine tonight.
If you were below your sales mark, spend a few concentrated hours this weekend mapping out your detailed activity plan for December since it all comes down to the next 20 days. That plan along with you thinking about your Personal Thankful List are guaranteed to move you faster along the path to excel in December.
Have a great weekend...
Good Selling for the next 20 days, and Good Sales Planning for 2015!
Head Coach
Derby Management...for 25 years
-Sales & Marketing Productivity Experts
-Business & Strategy Planning Specialists
Box 171322, Boston, MA 02117
Jack's Cell: 617-504-4222