For a salesguy, yesterday for me was a perfect day!
- 7:30 AM zoom with a Swiss customer tuning up their Sales process & HubSpot.
- Sales calls all afternoon and a late day trip to Boston.
- Dinner with 2 wonderful Tufts alums: HubSpot sales team leader and a PE analyst.
- 8:30 PM zoom with a Japanese customer tuning up a HubSpot Marketing install.
And during the morning, Frank, The Cabinet Guy, showed up exactly on time as planned to deliver the new shelving to hold the various "things" that have been crowding out of my office here at the NH beach. As Frank and his assistant carefully maneuvered by quarters of inches the 300-pound new cabinet structure measuring 8' x 3' x 1.5', everything fit perfectly.
To get to the point of yesterday's perfect two hour install, there had been a lengthy Discovery meeting 5 weeks ago, followed by a Validation meeting complete with a computer-generated scoping graphic plus a short re-measuring of everything visit three weeks ago. Somewhere along the process, there was an estimated price, but this process was not a price discussion, since The Value Proposition had to do with "freeing up my space by 25%":
It got better!
Since the bottom of the cabinet was designed to hold the large HP printer and 5 blinking boxes from NetSuite, Cisco, Comcast & AT&T, and a couple of things I have no idea what they do other than they allow me to seamlessly connect and backup in two locations, there is a spaghetti banquet of wires and cables. Frank and his helper, Dennis, (think an experienced AE & BDR) had exquisitely planned out every location for every wire down to the point of never needing to actually disconnect anything during the process allowing me to continue to work.
"Process, Tools, Technology, Metrics & People"
This phrase above has become a chant for me and our team during the past couple of years, as we doubled down on our intensity to build customized sales funnel process steps, to introduce very specific construction tools, to design a foundation built on CRM and CMS tech platforms and insist on repeated skills training. Every tool, (like a Discovery Checklist), we use has the same degree of specificity that Frank and Dennis used yesterday making precise cuts with specialized tools, drill bits and unique saws all of which had specific purposes.
The result of yesterday is one highly satisfied customer, a Zen-like, perfectly orchestrated, designed and constructed process all focused on providing efficiency and productivity on the part of Frank and Dennis-the construction process and install guys-and effectiveness on the part of me-the customer.
Have a superb...albeit wicked cold...winter weekend while you give just a bit of thought to what it would take to tune up your own sales process, giving you 20% more productivity and getting rid of all that clutter that slows you down, When you get right down to it, your most critical asset is the management and productvity of your own time! Nothing is more important!
You can click here for this brand new "Writing the Winning Sales Plan in 2024", for a few ideas on structure, sales models, process, a number of productivity tools and how to hire.
BTW, I always have tens of the best associate-level juniors and seniors available for an internship this summer or a full-time job in June. Through our 28 instructors at the Center, we can provide highly personal recommendations for jobs in Finance, Marketing, Sales, Product, and Computer Science. Give me a call,
Derby Entrepreneurship Center@Tufts.