Just as the coming of spring for me translates to cleaning up the winter debris washed up on the beach and lugging chain saws and chippers around the Vermont woodlot on my ATV, so too does this time of year push me to get even more tightly organized for next quarter.
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Tags: sales tools, business tools, business planning, business coaching
Yes, there's litterally tons of snow at Stratton
Definitely, the best snow in the East!
Yes, I will be snowboarding this Saturday.
Yes, I'm always available to do some turns.
Yes, a few of us Common Angels are there the 25th
Tags: sales tools, business tools, business planning, business coaching
My favorite sales planning guy is Sun Tzu, the noted Chinese warrior who revolutionized the science and art of warfare and created many of today's formal aspects of waging battle. Still taught at West Point, General Tzu's The Art of War, is an insightful treatise on the benefits resulting from careful planning in warfare. By the way, this is also a great book for your sales managers to read as background material as they set out to create their 2011 sales plans.
Tags: sales tools, business tools, business planning, business coaching
Yes, there's lots & lots of snow at Stratton
Yes, I will be snowboarding this Saturday.
Yes, the Mountain is almost fully open
Yes, I'm always available to do some turns.
Of course, I'll be there for the ACG event on the 30th
Tags: sales tools, business tools, business planning, business coaching
Yes, there's lots of snow at Stratton
Yes, I will be snowboarding Saturday.
Yes, the Mountain will be fully open by Christmas
Yes, I'm always available to do some turns.
Tags: sales tools, business tools, business planning, business coaching
Blue Ocean? Red Ocean?
If you haven't read the book, you owe it to yourself to read Blue Ocean Strategy especially at this time of year. Buy yourself a Christmas present and download it on your iPad. It's an easy, but very thought provoking read, and you easily can polish it off during the week between the holidays. It begs the question of the degree of change that you might want to undertake over the longer term and whether you want to consider swimming in the relatively open deep blue (and healthy) ocean or in the constrained, oxygen-starved (and highly competitive) red?
Tags: sales tools, business tools, business planning, business coaching
Way too often as hard charging salespeople-especially now when we’re pushing for the close-we forget about what really has to happen to close a deal…and get the actual purchase order.
Tags: sales productivity, sales, sales management, sales effectiveness, selling, sales optimication
The month is moving ahead on plan. Things are reasonably in your control, and hopefully you can see how you’re going to glide this ship in for a safe landing by the 31st. We’ll pick back up on a few hints on Monday for the critical week of mid December.
Hopefully you had a great weekend and took some of my advice and spent a bit of time thinking-even in the form of a rough outline-about your Q1 sales plan. This week is really Crunch Week in terms of making any significant selling impact on the prospects in your pipeline. Next week and the following are still very important but mostly for pulling and pushing everything that you can out of the bottom of the funnel. During this week, there’s still time to focus on your selling process.
Tags: sales productivity, sales, sales management, sales effectiveness, sales tools, selling, business tools, sales optimication
The month is moving ahead on plan. Things are reasonably in your control, and hopefully you can see how you’re going to glide this ship in for a safe landing by the 31st. We’ll pick back up on a few hints on Monday for the critical week of mid December.
Tags: sales productivity, sales, sales management, sales effectiveness, sales tools, selling, sales optimication