108.6...and Sales

Posted by Jack Derby, Head Coach on Fri, Mar 20, 2015

record snow resized 600Monday's Boston Globe:  Just after 7 Sunday evening, with 2.9 more inches of fresh snow blanketing Boston, the National Weather Service announced that the city had notched its snowiest winter since records started being kept in 1872.

In The Wicked Winta' of 2015, most of us don't give a damn as to to whether this was a record or not, except for the bragging rights to our kids and grandchildren.  Most of us, having already trashed two snowshovels and burned through bunches of shearpins on the blower this winta' are just plain tired of it all.  With the first day of spring finally arriving today, I thought, as I was driving into work this morning, that I saw the heavens open and a choir of cherubs signing "Alleluia".   Unfortunately, it was only the jingle on 'BZ before the weather report which is forecasting "just a sprinkling" (which means 2-6") of more snow tonight.

But let's go back to this record thing.

  • Are there personal metrics that you have set for yourself during this 2015 sales year where you could set a record?  You're certainly capable of that in terms of your skills, but without setting that metric, it's like playing tennis without a net.
  • These records do not have to be "Best Salesperson of the Year".  Of course, that would be great, but, last I looked there will only be one Best Salesperson.   Personal records could also be for most deals done, most new customers, highest margins and a long list of other critical sales and company metrics.
  • What about setting metrics for personal advancement in your career? You're doing great today as an "Account Manager", so what about turning the dial up and figuring out what it would take to become a Regional Manager? Once you achieve that significant record, you're going to do the same thing as you take a look toward achieving your first VP title.  

Bottom line, as we are now in the final days of Q1...

  • Push yourself to finish the quarter on plan.  This is what it's all about!
  • Congratulate yourself and the team and shout out "Success"!
  • The next week, discuss the best practices that came out of Q1
  • Set up formal training camps in April for Q2. Just like the Red Sox!
  • Detail your Activity Plans and your Account Plans for the quarter
...and most importantly, go out and set some records.

Starting out as a great year.   Welcome (finally) to the spring!

  Jack Derby 

Head Coach  
Derby Management...for 25 years
-Sales & Marketing Productivity Experts
-Business & Strategy Planning Specialists
Box 171322, Boston, MA 02117
Jack's Cell: 617-504-4222 

Want to know more about Derby Management, click HERE


Plan now on attending our 2015 Sales Management Boot Camp held at the MIT Endicott House on October 4th-6th.  Over 7 years of continuing success involving 450 plus heads of sales, President and CEOs.   Discounts available registering before June 30th.

Sales Management Boot Camp October 2015 resized 600

Want more information?  Just click HERE.

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Tags: sales productivity, Sales Optimization, Sales Best Practices, Sales Management Best Practices, sales and marketing best practices, sales planning, sales management training, sales management boot camp, sales producitivity