Why I Need to Become an Expert in Storytelling...and Sales
Tags: Sales Optimization, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales tools, selling, selling skills, sales training, sales plans, sales listening, sales producitivity
Tags: sales productivity, sales coaching, Sales Optimization, sales, sales management effectiveness, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales tools, selling, sales management training, sales plans, sales boot camp, sales jobs, finding sales jobs, sales boot camps
Jack McAvoy, Lifeguard & Rock-Solid Marketing Guy!
A senior marketing executive at Parametric Technology, Jack and I met a few years ago out of our common love of caring for the beach. Jack's been the senior lifeguard in Wallis Sands for a long time and is as passionate about taking care of this beach (Rated in the Top 5 cleanest beaches in the U.S. ) and its visitors as he is about the practice of marketing in the rapidly changing ecosystem of 2013.
Tags: sales productivity, sales coaching, Sales Optimization, sales, sales management, sales management effectiveness, sales plan process, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales planning, sales tools, selling, selling skills, sales boot camp, sales listening, best sales practices;
I was sitting with the senior team at one of our most successful customers last Friday, and we were prepping for an upcoming sales and marketing planning meeting later this week.
Status: Solid first half performance
Status: Great processes & people
Question: How does everything fit for the 2nd half?
Tags: Sales Optimization, sales, sales management, sales management effectiveness, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales planning, selling, sales management training, sales training, sales listening, sales culture, sales boot camps
I open each semester at Tufts by asking my students what my job is. After a couple of awkward minutes including... "to teach us about marketing", to which I respond, "That might be a problem because I don't know that much about marketing", my real answer is..."to make sure that you get the highest paying jobs that you're going to find to be the most rewarding". And, at the end of the day, that's really the most important result from any university.
Tags: sales productivity, Sales Optimization, sales management effectiveness, sales plan process, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, selling, sales management training, selling skills, marketing effectiveness, sales training, sales jobs, finding sales jobs, sales boot camps, strategic planning, Tufts university, Tufts ELS
The Winhall General Store, my friend, Mike...and Sales
Late Friday afternoon, I managed to squeeze into the Winhall General Store minutes before closing time and found myself waiting in line beside my friend, Mike, to order takeout.
Tags: sales coaching, Sales Optimization, sales management, sales management effectiveness, sales plan process, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales planning, sales tools, selling, sales management training, selling skills, Sales quota, sales training, sales plans, sales listening, sales jobs, sales boot camps
Tags: sales coaching, sales management effectiveness, sales coach, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, selling, sales management training, selling skills, sales training, sales boot camps, sales checklists
Cheerios-Closing Deals & Finding Jobs...and Sales
Tags: sales productivity, Sales Optimization, sales, sales management effectiveness, sales effectiveness, sales planning, selling, sales training, sales jobs, finding sales jobs
Tags: sales productivity, sales coaching, Sales Optimization, sales, sales management, sales management effectiveness, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales planning, sales tools, selling, sales management training, sales optomization, sales training, sales plans
Yesterday was a great day for family, snow (at least here in Vermont), gigabytes of pictures taken with newly unwrapped cameras and iPhones, along with way too much food. Just what Christmas is supposed to be. I could have done without the 350 mile rotation to “therealworld” commuting from "vermontwinterfantasyland”, however, other than that, it was all good.
Tags: sales productivity, Sales Optimization, sales management, sales management effectiveness, sales coach, sales management coach, sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales planning, sales tools, selling, sales management training, sales training, sales plans